Smaken av tradisjonar — a taste of tradition.

Fuglestein fruktgard is a family-run apple orchard and small-scale producer of fine quality craft apple cider and juice. They might be small, but they aim high: they know they have a fantastic product, and they want to see it served in Michelin star restaurants. As I worked on their rebrand, that was at the back of my mind throughout the entire process.

We needed to craft a visual brand that was Michelin worthy, that would appeal to a very discerning client base, but at the same time, maintaining the look and feel of traditional craftsmanship. Fuglestein quite literally means “bird rock” and their existing logo was… a bird sitting on a rock. Based on an actual bird ornament. On a rock. It may seem mundane, some might even say cliché, but it carried immense sentimental value — and was an important identity marker. I knew immediately that I didn’t want to throw that away, but I also knew it would need to be refined in order to hit the mark with the right audience.

I proposed a radical modernisation of the original concept; creating a simplified icon with an air of classic Scandinavian minimalism.

I have so many ideas about what I want to do with our apples. I don’t think we’ll ever run out of projects.

— Jon Anders Fuglestein

I initially designed the tail of the bird to contain the letter F, and when founder Jon Anders suggested tweaking it to form the historic ᚠ rune I was all on board, as it truly brings another hidden meaning to the logo.

The minimalist icon was teamed with a simple colour palette of soft white and muted black, a classic serif font for the logotype and a handwritten feature font to add that human touch.

We introduced natural materials and textures, to add warmth and to soften the stark lines. And for product differentiation, we also have a secondary colour palette of muted hues.

Your brand next?

I'd love to help you build a brand that truly represents what you stand for and the vision you have for your business — and the world. When you work with me, you'll get a gorgeous visual brand identity that communicates the essence of your brand and helps you attract + connect with your dream clients. Book a call or find me on Voxer for a chat about your options over a virtual cuppa!

Petchy xx




Kunst og design i skolen